Connecting authentic experiences with discerning audiences


We are Third Culture, the communications agency at the interchange of travel, design and culture in the Asia-Pacific.

We work with savvy lifestyle brands that appeal to global urbanites and curious adventure seekers.


Our expertise

Boutique and luxury hotels
Design and architecture
Culture and lifestyle
Wellness and adventure travel

We share your message with targeted audiences to enhance their experiences and expand your footprint.


Our services

Communication Strategy


Public Relations

Media Relations
Thought Leadership


Brand Alignment
Customer Acquisition




“I came to rely on Amira’s sharp insights, marketing ‘smarts’ and relentless positive energy. She’s that rare type – ‘a critical thinker that is never afraid to get her sleeves rolled up and get it done. In a nutshell she’s a gun.”

– Simon McKeown, Managing Director, Beautiful Accommodation


Asia-Pacific specialists

Location-agnostic but locally attuned, we support brands seeking to gain presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

You are likely to bump into us in one of our key markets:

  • Australia

  • Hong Kong

  • Singapore

We are accustomed to working with multi-national teams, supporting clear lines of communication between global offices.

Who we partner with

Design and travel press relations for BAR Studio – an acclaimed international design studio, specialising in luxury hotels and resorts. Rosewood Phuket by BAR Studio. Image: Peter Bennetts

Design and travel press relations for BAR Studio – an acclaimed international design studio, specialising in luxury hotels and resorts.

Rosewood Phuket by BAR Studio. Image: Peter Bennetts

BAR Studio

Travel and lifestyle press relations for Design Hotels™– a global portfolio of over 300 hand-picked independent hotels.K5 Tokyo. Image courtesy Design Hotels.

Travel and lifestyle press relations for Design Hotels™– a global portfolio of over 300 hand-picked independent hotels.

K5 Tokyo. Image courtesy Design Hotels.

Design Hotels™

“Amira thinks strategically, with a wide frame of reference across brands and markets. She accesses a corporately acquired set of marketing skills but is also a very fast-moving, agile entrepreneur, connector, and commercial leader. She's steeped in travel, luxury and lifestyle and is a passionate and loyal partner.”

— Simon Westcott, CEO Luxe City Guides

 In the press

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